Sanitation in the Float Tank

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The entirety of the water is filtered through a 1-10 micron filter multiple times after each float. Skimmers are used to keep the surface completely clear.

UV / Ozone

High powered UV lights and Ozone are used to treat and sanitize the water between every person.

Proper Chemistry

We rigorously measure and maintain the water levels, specific gravity, and temperature of the tanks. The water in the float tank is about 30% Epsom salt, which is a difficult environment for a lot of bacteria to live in (the Dead Sea is named that for a reason).

Our tanks, by Float Lab, are the world’s only commercially certified Isolation Floatation system and they work extensively with NSF International and public health officials world-wide to clarify and put forward safety and hygiene standards for the floatation industry. The NSF/ANSI Standard 50 certification, NSF Electrical certification to UL 1795, and patented non-halogen chemical disinfection system assures state of the art equipment that you can have 100% confidence in.

Float Lab® patented disinfection system is certified to produce a minimum 3-log kill (99.9%) of all microorganisms within the solution per cleaning cycle. The multistage filtration system finalizes at 1 micron. This filtration system is run after each client appointment.

Here’s the bottom line. Our tanks are likely to have some of the cleanest water you’ve ever been in.